Tuesday, September 7

i scream, you scream …

For the last five years, Edy’s Ice Cream had a contest where the winning essays got an ice cream party for 100 people.  I won that contest four years in a row. (I didn’t know about it until the second year.)  Every year, we chose to do it on the first day of school for the neighborhood children.  This year, there was no ice cream contest.  But the kids in the neighborhood still wanted ice cream.  Can’t blame them.  So we got ourselves to the store, bought 30 containers of Edy’s Ice Cream, 8 lbs of Italian ices, and started scooping … Rocky Road, Mint Chip, Summer Peach, and more … what a sweet way to start the school year!

Good luck to every child starting a new school year!





  1. I love this idea too but mostly I love the picture.

  2. Wow congrats on the wins, wonder why they didn't do the contest this year?
    Nice that you carried on with the ice cream party though, bet the kids all appreciated that :)

  3. Hey, that's really cool that you won the essay contest four years in a row! It would be fun to read one (or all) of those essays. :o) Love the photo of your ice cream containers! xo

  4. How fun! And how "sweet" of you! I am with Deb..post one of the essays, I bet its great!

  5. I wish I could have had some of the ice cream you made. My mother used to make the very best. There are so many things I miss now that they no longer exist. I am sure you made a group of youngsters very happy.

  6. My goodness!!
    First you are very lucky!!! and second.. you are very kind and generous!! But we knew that right? What a sweet neighbour and mum you are Stephanie.. and I bet a fabulous friend as well...

    Hope you have a wonderfully relaxing time at the beach very soon!! xxx Julie

  7. What a fabulous idea! That was very sweet of you to do again this year, even without a contest. It's a great start for the new school year for those kids. You have created the kind of memory that they will probably carry over when they have children!

  8. Mint chip...hmmm...yes, please! What a nice way to start the school year. I like this kind of community bonding activity in the US.

  9. Congrats on winning! Bummer they didn't do it this year. How nice of you to do it on your own!
    Today was the first day of school out here. Late, huh!
