Wednesday, August 21

just the one thing …

If there’s one thing I can say about Maine, it’s that she’s a beauty.   Mother Nature at her finest.  With lots of quaint towns, and a rocky coast, it’s a must see.   These were all taken in Camden, Maine.   Our waitress at lunch pointed out the yacht Johnny Depp was on, but it pulled out of the harbor before we could catch a peek.   Nowthat would have been some pretty scenery! 

Hope you enjoy!



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  1. Love these photos and I can't wait to visit Maine - prolly next year we will be going up there!! I love the little towns so quaint - sounds like you had a great time!

  2. these photos are so gorgeous. i feel like i am there with you.

  3. It's been so long since I've been to Camden I forgot how beautiful it is! Glad you enjoyed your stay!

  4. You captured the beauty of Maine so well, Steph. Yeah, too bad there wasn't a Johnny Depp shot in the mix! ;o)

  5. I do so enjoy your photos. Maine is on my "for the future" list:).
