Monday, September 23

acceptance …


It’s official.  I’ve had to let go of summer and accept that it’s fall.  Last week’s temperatures in the 90’s made it hard to do, but by the weekend’s football game, there was a nip in the air, and light had definitely shifted to fall’s golden glow.  I’ll miss summer and the beach, but I’m ready to move onto fall and it’s beauty too.

Thanks to all of you for your well wishes. I’m definitely on the mend and almost back to normal.  I really appreciate all your kind words, and good thoughts.   I think I may just have the nicest people anywhere sticking around here with me, and I could not be more grateful.



  1. There's definitely a nip in the air today which means regatta season is just around the corner. Happy to hear you're back on your feet!
    C + C

  2. Hey there hope you are really doing fine
    Drop me an email let me know surgery went
    It's def fall here too
    Packed away the summer clothes to ship back to states then realized I am going to Tampa for sessions in oct - duh!!
    Sending hugs!

  3. glad you are feeling better. i think i missed that whole thing. so sorry. enjoy the season. i am!!
