Monday, August 30

everything’s better in the water …

We took a tour of Lake Otsego up at Cooperstown.  All I can say is, “ahhh…”  It was so beautiful, and so unbelievably relaxing.  The lake is about 9 miles long, so there is a lot of beautiful scenery to enjoy.   The first photograph is the Glimmerglass Queen.  James Fenimore Cooper (author of “The Last of the Mohicans”, amongst others, gave the lake the nickname Glimmerglass, a period term for a mirror.)  The other photos are from on the boat. 

 cooperstown2 081710 007 cooperstown2 081710 006ecooperstown2 081710 045 cooperstown2 081710 066

And then after dinner on the shore, we went back to the lake to dip in our toes and enjoy the sunset …

Cooperstown 081810 009e     

Cooperstown 081810 031Cooperstown 081810 027

Just a few more photographs of our trip ahead, and then on to new things!   I hope you all find something beautiful in your corner of the world, and take a moment to appreciate it.



P.S. Many thanks to Anonymous who caught my error.  Never blog while exhausted!  Thanks!



  1. Gorgeous shots, Stephanie. I've enjoyed your trip so very much.

    Our kids have been back in school at least a week, here. Some go year round. I love the idea your kids aren't back in school till after Labor Day, the way it was here, when I was a kid. There was something special about that date for starting school, way back when.

  2. Great shots, Stephanie! That last one is SOOOO gorgeous! Glad you had a nice day trip with your family. xo

  3. Beautiful Stephanie!!! it is glimmerglass indeed!!!
    I think that is why I like the bay near my home so much.. when it is smooth.. the evening colour display is just wonderful ... we are so lucky to have this so beauty...

    Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos from your trip... and have a lovely week ... xxx Julie

  4. Wow! Need to show my husband this post, we should do this! Thanks!

  5. Beautiful Stephanie, both the photos and the lovely sentiments at the end.

  6. Beautiful! What a perfect way to spend time with loved ones. I love how you captured these precious moments.

  7. These are all talking to me Stephanie..the water! I can feel how peaceful and calm it must have been while you were standing there contemplating the perfect angle. Wish I was standing by your side!

    Jeanne xx

  8. That looks like the perfect place to relax and dip your toes. You did great on all your photos. I especially like the last one.

  9. that looks like such a beautiful area. need to definately put that on my list. i just love the water. whether it's a lake, pond or ocean.

  10. Everything IS better by the water! You should vacation out here sometime! I'll give you the tour!
