Tuesday, August 31

sunrise over the lake …

Those of you who know me well know that I don’t often do sunrise.   But I was at the lake and awake, and I snuck out of the room to see.  It was a cloudy morning, but still beautiful.  Not a single soul in sight.  I wish that I could bottle the stillness of that morning, and the fresh country air and share it with all of you.  I hope you enjoy this peaceful scene as much as I did.



Cooperstown 081810 041e Cooperstown 081810 044E Cooperstown 081810 070E Cooperstown 081810 073e Cooperstown 081810 076e


  1. Your pictures are taking my breath away! How very beautiful! I am so glad you caught the sunrise. Thank you so much for taking us along on your vacation...I feel I have been on vacation with you. New York State is one of the most beautiful states and I alway hope that people who visit NYC will also go upstate and see the exquisite beauty that awaits them. Thank you.

  2. Oh wow! What great pictures! I sympathise with your feeling: if we could bottle those perfect little glimpses of Heaven!...Enjoy!

  3. I'm seeing water everywhere I visit today on blogland!! those are beautifully peaceful I must say....a bit jealous :)

    Anne Marie

  4. What fine skies you have, worth getting up for.

  5. You have a lovely blog! Really very lovely!

  6. Heaven Stephanie...just heaven!

    Jeanne xxx

  7. Those are beyond incredible. I really need to take time out and watch sunsets more!

  8. Oh Stephanie Absolutely Beautiful!!!
    You know I don't do sunrise either.. I think the two times I did see it ... I very much enjoyed it!!! Thanks for sharing these beauties with us.. and have a lovely week my friend.. xxx Julie

  9. You really seemed to have captured the beauty and the stillness...these are lovely!

  10. The photos are so beautifully eloquent as to be words...

  11. How wonderful it would be to be able see sights like this every morning. I might be able to get out of bed better knowing I could see such beauty.

  12. Hello Stephanie, What gorgeous photos! I love Cooperstown, and try and visit it once a year or so. Not for the BBHofF, but rather the lake, the Farmer's Museum, and Hyde Hall. Beautiful! Regge

  13. Look at that view!! Gorgeous! I so would have gotten up with you and watched that. It would have made my week. :-)

  14. Those are just gorgeous!
    I am going to make myself get up for a sunrise before the summer is over, which isn't till the 22nd! So I have time to brace myself!
